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This prayer is best said in a group in a large cave. Also, the Glitchen should divide into three groups, and they should stagger their beginning of the prayer as in a round, each group one line behind the previous group. This has the effect of making the ‘Zille Zille Zille Zille Zille’ always be there in the background.


A Prayer to Zille

Zille Zille Zille Zille Zille

Let us chant together and remember
The long-ago time when Ur was flat…

Zille Zille Zille Zille Zille

The Glitchen were sad that the landscape so vast
Was boring and changeless and everyone was wet

Zille Zille Zille Zille Zille

They called out for mercy and what should appear
But Zille in Her glory and Giantish splendor

Zille Zille Zille Zille Zille

She Imagined small Rocks, then Rubble and Scree
The Glitchen, amazed, clambered out of the sea

Zille Zille Zille Zille Zille

Then sprouting up, Hills! Like ripples of dirt!
They sent out small wavelets in the ocean of Ur

Zille Zille Zille Zille Zille

Then suddenly, sharply, and without any warning,
A Cliffside split out of the roiling Urth!

Zille Zille Zille Zille Zille

It steepened and grew until suddenly, POW!
Its other side shot up and it was a Butte!

Zille Zille Zille Zille Zille

Others soon joined it, and things were progressing
And sure enough BANG! The first Mountain ascended!

Zille Zille Zille Zille Zille

And now Ur was wonderful, varied, and awesome
And Zille was quite satisfied at her creation

Zille Zille Zille Zille Zille